5 Little Wake-Up Calls You Need So You Can Avoid Regret Later

Why You Need to Pay Attention to These to Prevent Unwanted Outcomes

Neel Raman
8 min readMar 14, 2023

Mistakes you make in life are the little wake-up calls you need to steer you in the right direction and get you back on-course towards what you want.

Not paying attention to these wake-up calls can often lead to regret and cause you to miss out on opportunities.

Everyone makes mistakes, but those mistakes can become costlier if you don’t learn from them and move forward with new awareness and experience.

Life is giving you feedback all the time through the emotions you experience. If you pay attention to them and make smart choices, you can avoid regret later.

Sometimes, the feedback you receive is via wake-up calls. Find out five wake-up calls you should heed so you can avoid regret later in your life.

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What is a Wake-Up Call?

A wake-up call is when something happens or when someone says something that makes you stop and think.

It’s when you acknowledge something is not right or not working for you. It’s when you finally admit things cannot continue the way they have been.

Wake-up calls are usually painful because it means you’re going to have to change something about yourself or your situation. Sometimes, they’re also exciting because they give you an opportunity to do something different.

A wake-up call is a moment where you realize you’ve been living in denial. Where you finally admit you’re not okay and that there’s a problem and you need to change something.

A wake-up call is often necessary to keep you focused on what’s really important.

wake-up calls you need

Examples of Common Wake-Up Calls

Common examples of wake-up calls in life include:

  • You lose a job.
  • A close relationship ends.
  • You experience a serious health issue.
  • Someone you’re close to dies suddenly.
  • You experience a financial loss.
  • You lack motivation to do anything and feel stuck in a rut.
  • You have trouble sleeping.
  • You think negative thoughts you know are not helping you.

These wake-up calls help you see reality and understand how you got into this situation. They help you take action to correct the situation and get back on track.

The more wake-ups you have, the better prepared you’ll be for whatever comes next.

The Dangers of Ignoring Your Wake-Up Calls

If you ignore your wake-up calls, the dangers include:

  1. Loss of motivation. When you know you need to change something but don’t do it, you will not feel good about yourself. This will affect your self-esteem and confidence.
  2. Becoming overwhelmed. When you ignore your wake-ups, you might feel overwhelmed by everything around you.
  3. Feeling regret. When you ignore your wake-ups, you may end up feeling regretful about the decisions you made or the opportunities you have missed out on.
  4. Feeling depressed. Ignoring your wake-ups calls can cause you to feel down and sad. This can lead to depression.
  5. Being unhappy. When you ignore how you feel, you won’t feel happy and will not enjoy your life.
  6. Getting sick. When you ignore your problems, you put off taking care of yourself until it’s too late. This can cause illness or disease.
  7. Making bad decisions. When you ignore your issues, you might end up making poor decisions that could hurt you later on.

Your wake-up calls come when you realize you’ve been ignoring your own needs and desires. Once you recognize them, there’s no turning back.

When you finally decide to change course, you may feel overwhelmed at first because you’ve ignored these messages for so long. But eventually, you’ll feel better than ever before.
Once you stop ignoring your wake-up calls and take action, you won’t want to go back to being how you were previously.

That’s why you need to listen to your wake-up calls now, rather than later.

5 Wake-Up Calls You Need to Reassess What You’re Doing in Life

Here are five wake-up calls you need which will cause you to reassess what you’re doing in life and prevent unwanted outcomes later on.

1. Experiencing a significant health issue

It’s not uncommon for people to take their health for granted. A health issue can cause people to question whether they’re living the best possible life.

If you have experienced a serious health issue, it’s time to re-evaluate your lifestyle.

2. Taking care of other people’s needs first before your own

It’s always important to remember your needs are just as important as someone else’s needs. However, sometimes, you may forget your needs and focus only on others’ needs.

This can cause you to neglect yourself and lose sight of your goals. It can also cause you to feel guilty about your priorities, because you know you need to focus on your self-care.

3. Waiting for the right conditions before going for what you want

The right time to do anything will depend on a person’s knowledge, skills, experience, and confidence.

However, some people wait for the perfect moment to move forward. They think this way because they believe they should be able to achieve whatever they want without struggle or effort.

You cannot control when the right conditions arise. The best thing you can do is to take the step you know you can take now and continue taking action.

4. Suffering a significant loss

This can involve the loss of a loved one, losing of a partnership, or losing money you wish you hadn’t.

Anytime you experience a loss, it can cause you to reflect on the decisions you’ve made and what you could have done differently.

It can spur you to make better choices as you strive to improve your life.

5. Feeling stuck or being in a rut

A person can feel stuck when they’re unable to progress further in life. You may feel you’re stuck in a rut and cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel.

This can happen when you feel you lack the necessary skills to succeed in certain areas of life. You may also feel stuck when you’re not sure where to turn next.

In both cases, you may feel frustrated and confused. This can cause you to doubt yourself and give up on your dreams.

Instead of feeling discouraged, you can use these wake-up calls to help you stay focused and motivated.

How to Deal with Wake-Up Calls

When you receive a wake-up call, it’s normal to feel confused and scared. It’s natural to wonder why things happened the way they did.

There are ways to deal with these wake-up calls. Here are some tips that can help.

  1. Acknowledge your situation. The first step toward dealing with a wake-up call is accepting that it’s happening.
  2. Practice self-forgiveness. Forgive yourself for making mistakes and for the situation you’re in.
  3. Shift your perspective. Instead of focusing on how bad you feel, change your perspective by thinking about how you can improve your situation.
  4. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Look at what you do well and where you need support.
  5. Ask for support. Reach out to friends and family members who can provide you with the support you need.
  6. Take small steps. Small steps can help you build momentum and keep you moving forward.
  7. Focus on the future. Think about the positive aspects of your situation and plan for the future.
  8. Be grateful. Appreciate everything you already have, even if things appear difficult right now.
  9. Make a list of things you’d like to accomplish. Keep track of your accomplishments.
  10. Learn from your experiences. Use your experiences to inform your present actions and make better choices.

Remember, there will always be challenges and setbacks along the way. However, there will also be times when you overcome obstacles and reach goals.

Final Thoughts

These are five wake-up calls you need to reassess what you’re doing in life.

You can pay attention to them to avoid regret later in life, or you can ignore them and suffer the consequences. The choice is yours.

There will always be obstacles in life, but if you focus on doing the best you can, you will avoid having regrets later.

Action Step: Think about a wake-up call you received in your life. What was the outcome? How did you handle it and what did you learn about yourself? What would you say to someone else facing this same challenge?

Question: What are other little wake-up calls you need to avoid regret later in life?

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Neel Raman
Neel Raman

Written by Neel Raman

If you’re a leader that wants your team to perform better, get a free copy of my bestselling book, “Building High-Performing Teams” here: http://bit.ly/2rS1T4F

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