5 Ways You Can Avoid Complicating Your Life

Things You Can Do That Will Help You Live with Ease and Joy

Neel Raman
4 min readSep 21, 2021

Like most people, it’s highly probable you want to avoid complicating your life, and would rather live with ease and joy.

The choices we make and our habits dictate whether we will live a simple or complicated life. Even though life is not complicated, we make it by doing things that are not in our best interest.

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Things or Habits That Can Complicate Your Life

Since our habits control much of what we do or don’t, it’s valuable to understand of how they can complicate your life.

This can include:

  • Lack of clarity.
  • Overthinking.
  • Not giving enough attention to the different areas of your life.
  • The habit of procrastinating.
  • Reliving the past or worrying about the future.
  • Not being financially intelligent, which can include spending money carelessly.
  • Not setting healthy boundaries, which can include saying yes to everyone.
  • Not taking time off to relax and recharge.
  • Not prioritizing your tasks.
  • Not having a purpose or direction for your life.

There are things you can do to address these, which means you will avoid complicating your life.

avoid complicating your life

5 Ways You Can Avoid Complicating Your Life

While there are many things you can do, you only need to focus on a few to make your life easier.

Here are five ways or things you can do to avoid complicating your life, which will help you live with ease and joy.

  1. Acknowledge you are not perfect and are doing the best you can. Everyone is a work-in-progress. You will make mistakes and let yourself down. It’s important to not berate yourself, but learn from those mistakes and do your best not to repeat them.
  2. Stop worrying about the past or the future. Always remember, the past is over and the future is not here yet. All you will ever have is the present moment. Your focus should be on how you can make the most of the present moment. What you do now is creating the future you will have.
  3. Handle your priorities better to reduce stress in your life. Life can get chaotic when you have too many things going on at once. If you clarify your priorities, it’s a lot easier to stay focused on what’s important, that will move you closer to what you want to achieve.
  4. Avoid saying yes to requests when you want to say no. Saying yes when you’d rather say no can cause feelings of regret, resentment, frustration, or anger. Having the confidence to say no is essential if you want to focus on your priorities and progress toward your goals.
  5. Keep your agreements and follow through on your commitments. You always know when you have let yourself down. If you have agreed to do something, do it. If you don’t want to do it, communicate your reasons with those concerned. If you don’t want to let yourself down, don’t make promises you cannot or will not keep.

Final Thoughts

A common paradigm is life is complicated or difficult, however for it to be an absolute truth, it means everyone must have a complicated or difficult life. We know that isn’t the case, as there are many examples of people living wonderful, fulfilling, yet simple lives.

You owe it to yourself to avoid complicating your life and design it the way you would like it to be.

Action Step: Choose one thing you will commit to that will make your life simpler, while also giving you the flexibility to continue doing things that are important to you.

Question: What are other ways you can avoid complicating your life?

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Neel Raman
Neel Raman

Written by Neel Raman

If you’re a leader that wants your team to perform better, get a free copy of my bestselling book, “Building High-Performing Teams” here: http://bit.ly/2rS1T4F

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