5 Ways You Can Develop More of Your Potential

Steps You Can Take to Become the Person You’re Capable of

Neel Raman
5 min readJun 28, 2022

When you develop more of your potential, your experience of life will improve as you will become a better version of yourself.

You have the potential to accomplish what you set your mind to and live the life you truly want.

To develop more of your potential will require you to get out of your way and go beyond what you believe you’re capable of.

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What Does It Mean to Develop More of Your Potential?

Your potential is your ability or capacity for something or to reach an outcome you want. It’s something within you that can bring the best out of you if you have the right mindset, focus, commitment, and willingness to take action consistently.

To develop more of your potential means to:

  • Change or challenge how you think about yourself.
  • Be willing to get uncomfortable and step outside your comfort zone.
  • Strive to improve yourself in everything you do.
  • Set goals that will cause you to grow.
  • Take steps consistently to move towards your goals.

Why Develop More of Your Potential?

It’s valuable to focus on developing more of your potential because:

  • You’ll give yourself a better chance of achieving your goals and living the life you want.
  • You’ll attract more opportunities.
  • You’ll have more self-confidence.
  • You’ll improve your self-worth or how you view yourself.
  • You’ll experience more happiness.
  • You’ll create or experience amazing things in your life.
  • You’ll have better mental, emotional, and physical health.
  • You’ll give more support to others to reach their goals or become better versions of themselves.
  • You’ll improve your people skills, social skills, and also your communication skills.

When you experience changes in yourself and your results as you develop more of your potential, you will have a better appreciation of what you can accomplish.

develop more of your potential

What Prevents People from Developing Their Potential?

People do not develop more of their potential because:

  • They do not believe in themselves.
  • They are unwilling to get uncomfortable and challenge themselves to try new things.
  • They lack a clear vision for their life.
  • They fear failure, disappointment, and criticism.
  • They do not follow through on their commitments.
  • They have unrealistic expectations and easily quit when things don’t go as planned.
  • They lack self-confidence.
  • They do not take responsibility for their actions and results.
  • They have unproductive habits, which can include procrastination and self-criticism.
  • They do not have supportive or inspiring environments.

5 Steps You Can Take to Develop More of Your Potential

Here are five steps you can take to develop more of your potential, so you can become the person you’re capable of.

  1. Set monthly challenges. You can only grow if you do things you haven’t done before or do things that will make you uncomfortable. This can include developing new habits, improving your skills or learning new ones, and setting challenging goals.
  2. Review your performance and progress regularly. You will improve faster if you know how you’re tracking and measure it against a standard you set for yourself. If you’re not meeting milestones you’ve set, it’s an opportunity to change what or how you’re doing things.
  3. Define your ideal life. What you want your life to be and how you want to live should be the driving force or motivation for you to develop more of your potential. Your ideal life gives you purpose and direction. It will also help you identify what you need to focus on. Determine how you would live your life if you did not have any limitations.
  4. Associate with people who will cause you to grow. The people you spend time with will affect your mindset, confidence, and what you believe is possible for you. If the people you surround yourself with are succeeding at a higher level, it means they are doing things which you aren’t. That can also help you identify goals you can set that will cause you to improve yourself.
  5. Allow yourself to be guided by a higher power. With so many options available, knowing what’s important and what to give your focus to is vital. Sometimes, what you think is important may not be your best option. Learning to trust your intuition to guide you will make a huge difference. When you allow yourself to be guided by a higher power, you will make better choices, eliminate stress, and reduce wasted effort.

Final Thoughts

The real purpose of life is to grow and become the person you’re capable of. You’re born with unlimited potential, which means you can always improve.

As you develop more of your potential, you will create better experiences and live a life that’s worthy of you.

Action Step: Identify one challenge you can set yourself this month which will cause you to develop more of your potential and move your life forward. Find someone you can partner with so you can support each other and hold yourselves accountable.

Question: What are other ways you can develop more of your potential?

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Neel Raman
Neel Raman

Written by Neel Raman

If you’re a leader that wants your team to perform better, get a free copy of my bestselling book, “Building High-Performing Teams” here: http://bit.ly/2rS1T4F

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