How to Beat Procrastination with These 5 Proven Techniques

Boost Your Productivity and Get More Done with These Smart Methods

Neel Raman
8 min readJun 20, 2023

Do you ever procrastinate and struggle to accomplish tasks that should be simple? Are you always running out of time to complete projects or tasks?

You’re not alone. We’ve all been in this position. Procrastination is a common challenge and a major obstacle to achieving success.

Learn how to beat procrastination with these five proven strategies, so you can accomplish what you want to.

From utilizing the two-minute rule to addressing negative feelings and habits, these tactics will help you stay on track and reach your goals.

By increasing your understanding of procrastination, its root causes, and applying these proven techniques, you can focus on productivity actions and get things done to achieve your goals.

1-Minute Summary Video

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination refers to the practice of delaying tasks or waiting for the perfect time to get them done. It’s the enemy of productivity and can ruin your day if you don’t address it.

Procrastination is an unproductive habit that can prevent you from achieving your goals. It’s the habit of avoiding doing what you need to do, often because of fear of failure or uncomfortable emotions. Chronic procrastination can be debilitating and lead to long-term negative consequences.

No one wants to be a procrastinator, but nearly everyone has experienced the feeling of overwhelm when they have a lot to do.

Not only can procrastination use up valuable chunks of time that could have been used more productively, it can also become an engrained habit if left unchecked.

The reason why this happens varies for everyone. Whether it’s because of laziness, lack of motivation, or worrying about not completing tasks properly, everyone has their reasons for procrastinating.

What Causes Procrastination?

The reasons for procrastination or why people procrastinate include:

1. Fear of failure or success

The fear of not doing something well or not getting the outcome you would like, which is the fear of failure, can be paralyzing. The fear of success can prevent you from starting a task, let alone completing it.

2. Lack of motivation

When you’re feeling unmotivated or uninspired, it’s harder to start unimportant tasks or boring tasks. This is because you can’t see what the long-term benefits are, so you lack the motivation to get started and keep going.

3. Feeling overwhelmed by tasks

When there are too many items on your to-do list, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and put off doing them until later. It can be hard to start something when you have a huge, intimidating task ahead of you.

4. Perfectionism

This is when you become so focused on ensuring everything is perfect that it leads to delays in completing tasks.

Trying to achieve perfection can lead to procrastination because you may be afraid of not meeting your own high standards.

5. Negative emotions

If you’re feeling negative emotions, such as anxiety or sadness, it’s hard to focus on completing tasks.

Fear, anxiety, guilt and other negative emotions can also make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. These feelings can be so strong that they can hinder your ability to get anything done at all.

6. Bad habits

They can also contribute to your procrastination pattern. It’s easy to slip into the habit of putting off tasks and avoiding doing anything productive. This is true if you’re used to procrastinating, as it becomes easier to keep doing it over time.

It’s important to recognize when you fall into this trap, so you can develop an action plan to break out of it and get back on track. You need to be mindful of your behaviour and take imperfect action when needed.

7. Poor self management

If you’re not managing yourself effectively and leaving yourself short amounts of time to complete tasks, you’re more prone to procrastination. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and unable to start a task.

It’s helpful to develop strategies that will help you stay on track and avoid procrastination. This can include setting realistic deadlines, giving yourself ample time, breaking daunting tasks into smaller chunks, or rewarding yourself for completing each step.

The bottom line is that all sources of procrastination can be overcome by using effective strategies.

how to beat procrastination

The Negative Effects of Procrastination

The costs of procrastination include:

  • Lower self-confidence and self-trust.
  • High levels of stress.
  • Missed deadlines.
  • Decreased job performance or satisfaction.
  • Strained relationships.
  • Mental health challenges.
  • Poor quality of work.
  • Lower levels of energy.

Procrastination is a bad habit that’s hard to break. At its worst, it can ruin lives. People who suffer from chronic procrastination usually fall behind in their goals and do not reach their full potential.

The Types of Procrastination

There are two main types of procrastination, which are active and passive.

  1. Active procrastination is when you find yourself busy with tasks that aren’t urgent or important, like spending too much time on social media.
  2. Passive procrastination is where you do nothing at all, which can make it much harder to overcome.

There’s also a more extreme form of procrastination. This involves putting off doing something until the last minute, leading to feelings of stress and anxiety about getting it done in time.

Another type is avoidance-based procrastination, which happens when you don’t feel capable or confident, so instead, you avoid a task altogether.

At its core, procrastination habits will affect your productivity. These habits include:

  1. Chronic procrastination. This happens when someone has a long-term habit of putting things off until the last minute and never gets them done on time.
  2. Acute procrastination. This is more situational and often occurs when someone is feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated.
  3. Perfectionism-based procrastination. This happens when someone is so focused on perfection that they get stuck in a cycle of trying to make something perfect and never being satisfied with what they have done.

Different types of procrastination can sabotage your productivity and success, therefore it’s important to know how to beat them.

How to Beat Procrastination By Apply These Five Steps

Here are five techniques you can use to beat procrastination once and for all, so you can boost your productivity and get things done on time.

1. Identify the root cause of your procrastination

It’s important to know you cannot overcome a mindset or mental block by using a strategy first up. You must find out what’s going on internally that’s causing you to procrastinate.

Identify the underlying fear or negative emotion that’s preventing you from taking action. Is it a fear of failure or perfectionism? Once you know what’s causing your procrastination, you can tackle it head-on.

2. Break your tasks into smaller chunks

Large tasks can be overwhelming and this often leads to procrastination. To combat this, break your original task into smaller chunks so they seem less intimidating and more achievable.

For example, if you need to write a report, rather than tackling the entire thing in one go, break it up into sections, such as research, writing the first draft, and doing the final edits. This will make the task more manageable and give you a sense of progress as each step is completed.

3. Use the 2-minute rule

If a task takes less than two minutes minimum to complete, do it right away. This is known as the two-minute rule and it’s an effective way to beat procrastination.

When you get into the habit of doing small tasks immediately, they no longer seem daunting and you’re more likely to stay on track.

Just set a timer for two minutes and start working on the task at hand. Once two minutes have passed, you can decide whether you want to continue doing the task.

4. Accept negative feelings

You may put off tasks because of your fear of failure or because you don’t want to experience negative emotions, such as anxiety or disappointment. These emotions will decrease your energy levels and affect your ability to concentrate.

It’s important to remember that these feelings are natural and an essential component of success. They’re not something you should avoid.

Accepting those emotions can help you overcome procrastination and stay on track.

5. Set priorities and deadlines

When you have a lot of tasks to do, it’s hard to figure out where to start. Therefore, prioritize your tasks according to importance and set deadlines for each one.

This will help keep you on track and ensure tasks are completed on time.

You can set alert reminders on your phone or calendar if necessary. That will also help you avoid distractions and keep you focused on what needs to get done.

Final Thoughts

It takes time, commitment, and practice to beat procrastination and become more productive.

Once you commit to taking action and use these techniques, overcoming procrastination will become easier. You will become more productive and motivated to complete your tasks.

With perseverance and dedication, you can master these techniques and beat procrastination once and for all.

Action Step: Next time you procrastinate, identify the root cause first. Pay attention to what’s happening internally that’s causing you to procrastinate. Then use the techniques mentioned above to beat procrastination and get back on track.

Question: What have you learned about how to beat procrastination?

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Neel Raman
Neel Raman

Written by Neel Raman

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