How to Focus on Your Self-Care If You Are Short on Time

Why Making This a Priority is Critical to Your Health and Wellness

Neel Raman
7 min readNov 29, 2022

Knowing how to focus on your self-care is even more important if you live a busy life and struggle to find time for yourself.

It’s not uncommon for people to struggle with self-care. Everyone has something going on or something they need to attend to, whether it’s work, family, friends, or other commitments.

The challenge is ensuring you take care of yourself even if you are short on time.

To focus on your self-care, you must prioritize yourself. This means making your needs just as important as other people’s needs. Having self-care ideas you can refer to will make a vast difference.

1-Minute Summary Video

What is Self-Care?

It is the practice of focusing on your needs to ensure you function as well as you can. It’s taking care of your mind and body so you can operate at your best and do what you want.

Self-care includes eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, managing your stress levels, and enjoying yourself.

Why is Self-Care Critical to Your Health and Wellness?

Having self-care practices is critical to your health and wellness because you will:

  • Feel good about yourself.
  • Have a healthy attitude.
  • Improve your mental health.
  • Experience better emotional health.
  • Manage stress well.
  • Have more energy.
  • Boost your productivity.
  • Improve your relationships.
  • Experience more joy.
  • Be a happier person.

When you make your self-care a priority, it becomes easier to focus on other things in life that are important to you.

focus on your self-care

The Types of Self-Care

Self-care falls into many categories. The types of self-care include:

1. Physical self-care

This refers to taking care of your physical health, which includes eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. This is important because if you don’t take care of your physical self, you won’t be able to take care of yourself mentally or emotionally.

2. Mental self-care

This includes managing your stress levels, having a positive mindset, and enjoying your life. This is important because if you don’t have good mental health, you’re more likely to feel anxious or feel disengaged in your life.

3. Emotional self-care

This includes being kind to yourself, managing your self-talk, forgiving yourself, and learning from your mistakes. This is important because when you’re feeling stressed, your emotions will get the best of you.

4. Spiritual self-care

This involves connecting with nature, meditating, praying, reading inspirational books, and spending quality time with family and friends. This is important because it helps you connect with your higher self. Without this connection, you may become disconnected from your true self and others.

5. Social self-care

This refers to making sure you spend time with people who love you and support you. This is important because your social connections help you feel acknowledged, valued, and appreciated.

6. Creative self-care

This is about doing something creative in your daily life. This is important because creativity helps you express yourself and enjoy your life.

7. Intellectual self-care

This involves reading, writing, listening to music, watching movies, playing games, and engaging in hobbies. This is important because intellectual pursuits keep you engaged and give you an opportunity to learn new things.

8. Financial self-care

This involves saving money for future goals, paying off debt, and planning for retirement. This is important because financial security allows you to live comfortably without worrying about whether you can afford things.

9. Relationship self-care

This involves spending time with positive people and loved ones, maintaining strong friendships, practicing forgiveness, and being honest with yourself and others. This is important because your relationships help you feel loved and supported.

10. Life self-care

This involves living a purposeful life, finding meaning in everyday activities, and giving back to society. This is important because it gives you a sense of fulfillment.

Since it is critical to your health and wellness, knowing self-care strategies is important if you live a busy life and struggle to find time to focus on yourself.

Common Reasons You May Not Focus on Your Self-Care

People often do not know the health benefits and the difference it will make to their quality of life if they don’t have a self-care plan.

People do not focus on their self-care because they:

  1. Feel guilty for focusing on themselves.
  2. Make other people a higher priority.
  3. Do not know the importance of self-care.
  4. Believe they cannot afford to take time out for themselves.
  5. Do not know how to make it a part of their daily lives.

You can make your self-care a daily priority even if you have little time for yourself. This will require discipline and commitment.

How to Focus on Your Self-Care and Make It a Priority

Here are five steps you can take to make your self-care a priority even if have little time for leisure activities so you can experience better life satisfaction.

1. Give yourself quiet time every morning

Even if you give yourself five minutes every morning, you will notice a difference in your mood and will start your day on a positive note.

You can use that time to do deep breathing or any other breathing exercise. The aim is to get yourself mentally and emotionally ready for your day.

2. Treat self-care like any other appointment

Your self-care is an appointment you have with yourself. When you have that mindset, you will take it seriously and are more likely to prioritize it.

Ask yourself, “If I have an appointment with someone important or have something I need to get done, would I cancel it without a valid reason?”

Your answer will probably be no. When you have that attitude towards your self-care, it will become a priority.

3. Set aside specific times each week for yourself

If you plan your activities every week, you can schedule specific times for yourself on your calendar. It’s also helpful to write what you will do during those times.

It can include physical activity, getting adequate sleep by staying in bed longer, or preparing a healthy meal.

This will allow you to set boundaries or find extra time for your self-care. For example, you may decide to spend 30 minutes reading a book or listening to music.

4. Create a list of things you enjoy doing for yourself

Make a list of things you love to do, how long they usually take, and how much they cost. You will find most of the things that’s good for you cost nothing except your time.

By knowing ahead of time how long they will take, you can plan accordingly.

5. Prioritize your self-care by making it as important as other’s needs

This is challenging, especially if you have young children who depend on you. You will serve them better when you are well-rested and taking care of your needs, too.

This does not mean you disregard your responsibilities. It means you balance your priorities and ensure you give yourself enough time to rest and rejuvenate.

Final Thoughts

Self-care is not selfish. It’s an essential part of your overall wellness and personal growth.

If you don’t take care of yourself, your risk of illness increase substantially. When you focus on your self-care, you will feel better about yourself and live a happier life.

Action Step: Review what your self-care practice is. Determine whether your hours of sleep are adequate or if you need to do some type of exercise. Schedule time on your calendar each week, ideally every day, for some form of self-care.

Question: What are more ways to focus on your self-care if you are short on time?

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Neel Raman

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