How to Make Boring Tasks More Meaningful

Steps You Can Take to Get Through Things You Don’t Want to Do with Greater Energy and Focus

Neel Raman
6 min readDec 13, 2022

No matter what type of work you do, you’ll always have boring tasks to complete that you’d rather not do.

This can become frustrating, especially if you want to give more of your time and attention to other meaningful tasks you’d rather do.

There are ways you can make boring tasks meaningful or tolerable without letting them affect your attitude or mood.

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What Are Boring Tasks?

Boring tasks are activities you may not always want to do, but they’re necessary to get done to achieve an outcome.

They rarely require a lot of skill or expertise, but can drain your energy much faster if you dread doing them.

Examples of boring tasks include:

  • Doing paperwork.
  • Filing paperwork.
  • Paying bills.
  • Shopping for groceries.
  • Writing or responding to emails.
  • Doing housework, such as cleaning, laundry, or taking out the trash.
  • Doing any type of repetitive work.

Boring tasks can make you feel you’re wasting your time and energy, which is why it’s important to make them meaningful.

boring tasks

Why Do Boring Tasks Actually Matter?

How you view anything in life depends on your perception and the personal meaning you give it. If you view something from a negative point of view, that will be your experience. If you look at things negatively, you’ll focus on all their negative aspects.

For example, if you think about how long it will take to pay your bills, you might think about all the other things you could do instead.

If you view something positively, you’ll see it differently. If you view things positively, you’ll focus on their positives aspects.

Here, when you pay bills, you can think about how quickly you can pay them off. You can even think about what your life would be like if you didn’t have to pay those bills. For example, if you didn’t have to pay an energy/electricity bill, chances are you would not have access to all the benefits using electricity gives you.

Boring tasks actually matter. It’s easy to let boring tasks take over your mind and emotions.

However, if you view these wide range of tasks with positivity, you’ll find they actually add meaning to your life.

5 Steps You Can Take to Make Boring Tasks Tolerable

Here are five steps you can take to make boring tasks meaningful and tolerable so you can maintain your focus and energy.

1. Assign an empowering meaning to a task

You have the freedom to choose. This means you can make anything mean what you want it to mean.

If you assign a positive meaning to a task, you’ll feel good about yourself because you’ve chosen to put effort into something that will lead to an outcome you want.

When you give a task significance, you’re more likely to get it done. You can also think about how you will feel when you get the task done.

2. Focus on the process instead of the result

Sometimes, the outcome you want is way out in the future. Rather than continually focusing on that outcome, focus on the process.

This will help you avoid meaningless boredom and give more attention to what you’re currently doing.

In addition, you won’t be distracted by thoughts about the end result and how far away it is.

3. Change the way you approach the task

This can involve doing it a different way. It may also involve changing your attitude toward the task.

Instead of thinking about how long it takes to complete the task, think about how fast you can finish it.

Think about how well you can perform the task or how you can improve upon the task.

Change your perspective and approach to the task. Instead of seeing the task as meaningless, think of it as a challenge and that you’re going to get it done.

4. Use a timer and break the tasks into smaller parts

You can give yourself a set amount of time to work on a task. For example, if you need to file documents, give yourself 15 minutes. Set a timer and, when the time is up, check in with yourself and how you feel.

Most times, you will want to continue just so you can get it done. If you don’t want to continue, you can move onto doing something else.

When you break a task into manageable parts, it will help you stay focused and avoid chronic boredom.

5. Delegate the task or find help

The ideal solution is to not do tasks that’s not the best use of your time. If you can delegate tasks, then do so.

If you cannot delegate tasks, then find someone who can help you.

For example, if you need help to file documents, ask a friend or family member for help. They might enjoy helping you. You could offer to help them too.

Delegating tasks will allow you to spend more time working on things that really matter.

Final Thoughts

The key to making boring tasks more meaningful is to look at them positively. Every task has some value, which means you can make it meaningful and enjoyable.

It’s about how you choose to view the task. You can change your mindset and approach to the task to make it meaningful and fun.

Action Step: Review a task you find boring. Assess whether you can delegate it. If you can’t, change the way you approach the task. Give the task importance by seeing it from a positive perspective.

Question: What are other steps you can take to make boring tasks more meaningful?

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Neel Raman
Neel Raman

Written by Neel Raman

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